Dulce De Fresa

Strawberry Candy with a Tropical Twist

From our latest pheno hunt comes Dulce de Fresa! DDF is a delicious cross between Dulce de Uva and Straw Guava, expertly bred by the Bloom Seed co. Dulce de Fresa is aptly named, as its scent is heavy with the fragrance of fresh strawberry candy.
The taste of strawberry simple syrup takes center stage, delivering intense notes of ripe strawberries. Underneath the strawberry surface, there’s a delightful papaya funk waiting. It’s a delicious combo for sure.

The high has been reported as mellow and uplifting without any heightened energy or anxiety. Dulce de Fresa is good all-day-long smoke in our experiance.

It’s got a cult following with people who like strawberry terps - we can’t keep it in stock when the right people find out we have it. Check in to see if it’s on our patient menu here.


Pink Zugar


Strawberry Banana